Tag Archives: Wild-Caught Crab

..Grilled Wild-Caught Crab..

Joel has been doing a lot of the cooking lately while I’ve been slammed with extra studying and finishing up coursework. He’s been so amazing with it all :). I’ve been nagging him about snapping some photos so we can add recipes to the website, but he says it “diminishes his man skills in the kitchen” lol. Cause you know.. photography.. it’s so emasculating when you’re wearing a Vera Bradley apron and jammin’ to Hanson’s Live From Albertane album while dancing the Truffle-shuffle with Eowyn ;).

The other week we stopped in at Whole Foods after church. We hadn’t been in the Oracle store since it was remodeled, and I’ve been wanting to check it out. Elodie spent the entire drive to church begging for “tree stars” and “green food”. Seriously.. if you don’t know what those are, you need to watch The Land Before Time movies! But anyway, we stopped into Whole Foods so Elodie could pick out some vegetables. The remodeled store looks amazing! We should have popped in long before now. The fish counter had a great wild-caught selection, including these beautiful crabs. They were huge! And so reasonably priced. We snagged one to split between us for supper. They were big enough to feed two!

..Grilled Wild-Caught Crab..

Because we had just picked up a small charcoal grill, Joel decided he wanted to grill them crab. It was pretty windy outside, so it took us a while to get the grill going. And when I say “us” I really mean me. Because I got the grill going like the awesome woman I am :). The embers were glowing and hot, and it was a perfect temperature for a slow grilling of the crab. Joel cooked the crab for about 30 minutes, but he did burn it slightly. He was a little distracted with the girls and Minnie. I would say to check it after about 10 minutes depending on how hot your coals are. Our crab would have been perfect after about 20-25 minutes.

Even though it was a little charred, it was absolutely delicious! I plan on heading back to Whole Foods on at the first of the month to see if they have any more of those delectable crabs! We left the crab completely unseasoned, and the flavor was great. I wouldn’t have added a single thing to it. It’s a wonderfully easy and IC friendly meal that can thrown together at the drop of the hat and with very little effort.

Grilled Crab