Tag Archives: turnip greens

..Spicy Skillet Greens..

Tomorrow is our organic produce pick-up date, and we still had a fridge full of greens! So what is a Southern woman supposed to do? Why, make a big skillet full of greens, of course :). I wanted something a little lighter than traditional greens made with meat and animal fats, and this recipe hit the nail on the head. This recipe is light but very feeling. The greens had lovely fresh, crisp taste that was just perfect. Definitely a recipe we’ll make again and again.

This recipe serves six people with142 calories, 5.3 grams of fat, 21.7 grams carbs and 4.7 grams of protein per serving. It also has 48.5% of your daily vitamin A, 86.8% of your daily vitamin C, 27.5% of your calcium and 10.2% of your daily Iron per serving. It’s a plant based powerhouse fully of delicious goodness :). Who says veggies won’t give you what you need?

The red pepper in this recipe can be an IC irritant. You can omit them if it’s a problem for you. The flavor will still be amazing, it just won’t have that little kick to it :). It’s a delicious dish with or without the red pepper flakes. Don’t let them scare you away!

..Spicy Skillet Greens..

– 5 cups of chopped organic turnip greens

– 8 cups of chopped organic collard greens

– 6 cups of organic beet root greens

– 1 tbsp organic olive oil

– 1 organic medium onion cut into small chunks

– 1/8 tsp red pepper flakes (or a pinch)

– 1/4 cup of water

– 1/8 tsp of rock sugar (organic beet sugar)

– fresh lemon juice to taste (optional)

This is really easy to toss together.  You may leave the ribs in the greens or take them out. I personally love the nice crunch they give to the dish, and they are full of nutrients :). It seems like a massive quantity of greens (and you can use just one kind by the way!), but the amount cooks down quite a bit.


Drizzle the olive oil into the skillet on medium heart. Add the onion and cook until just tender. It takes about 3 minutes or so. Then add half of the greens and cook them down.


After the greens have cooked down, add the rest of the greens to the skillet. Allow to cook down. Then add the water, rock sugar, and red pepper flakes. You can technically cook it until the water is absorbed if you wanted more mushy greens. I like the steams to be a little more crisp. So I only cooked it an additional 3-5 minutes. Plate and serve to taste with a little bit of fresh lemon juice if wanted.


It was absolutely delicious! Crisp and fresh with this nice subtle little bit of heat that complimented the flavors perfectly. My husband devoured his bowl in about two minutes, and we have plenty of leftovers to eat on for the rest of the week :). It’s easy to tailor to be IC friendly.. omit the red pepper if needed, you could use parsnips instead of onion for the different texture, and omit the optional lemon juice. Whether you doctor the recipe or leave it as is, it’s sure to be a crowd please-er :).
