Category Archives: Herbs

..Probiotic-Packed Gummies with Hidden Vitamins..

This is a recipe of mine which the amazing Jenni S. asked if she could post on her blog. Elodie especially needs supplementation considering she eats little to no meat for moral reasons. These gummies were full of vitamins, probitoics, and protein. Plus, they had an amazing taste and consistency. And seriously? How pretty are rose shaped gummies? The girls just adored them. Dinosuars and roses.. those are my rough and tumble little ladies :).

Probiotic-Packed Gummies with Hidden Vitamins

We are making another batch this weekend using mangos, strawberries, and peaches :). I am also experimenting with using a lavender, chamomile, and lemon balm infusion in place of the spearmint infusion. Yum. Sounds delicious just thinking of it!

The Reformed Couch Potato's Blog

This recipe is from my friend and team member, Brittany V., who cooked up this concoction for her 4-year-old to add extra probiotics and protein to her diet. Plus, it’s a great way to add in extra vitamins. Brilliant! And looks delicious! Can’t wait to make these ourselves.


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..Herb Fairies..

I wanted to take a few minutes and share a great herbalism education source for kiddos courtesy of Herb Fairies, a collaboration of Learning Herbs and Mountain Rose Herbs. Follow the first link for two great free downloads. The first is a children’s cookbook featuring some great kiddo friendly options that incorporate herbs. The second download is a bonus activity book. The recipes are fun and easy, and even enjoyable for the adults in the family. My next grocery shopping trip will have a few additions, that’s for sure!  Herb Fairies and Learning Herbs are two wonderful resources for herbal education, particularly for children. But whether you’re a big kid or a little one, the information is amazing :).

For more information about Herb Fairies, see this information from the website:

Herb Fairies is our herbal learning system for kids. It includes stories and hands-on activities so kids learn how they like to learn…with you, having fun.Please watch this short video that gives you an overview of Herb Fairies.Also, download our Herb Fairies Cookbook below. Herb Fairies makes it simple to learn.

If you make any of the recipes in the cookbook for your children (or yourself, because let’s face it, they look and sound delicious!!!), I’d love to know how they liked them :). Maybe I can get my two to cooperate with some cooking videos using the recipes in the free cookbook download!